This page addresses some of the questions we hear most often from our members. If you have a question that we have no answered here, please contact us

How long does the BAMA membership last?

BAMA memberships require an annual renewal and match a regular school year-- they begin on September 1 and end on August 31. Memberships automatically expire at the end of the membership year on August 31. If you happen to apply for membership after our last workshop for the school year has passed, we will roll over your membership into the next school year.

How do I know if my membership is current?
If you have paid through PayPal, a quick search of your records will let you know which school year you applied for. You should have also received a confirmation email from the BAMA Treasurer acknowledging your payment. If you are still uncertain about your membership, email or use our Contact form to contact us. 

Can someone else use my membership?
No. Individual Memberships are tied to that individual and are non-transferable. 

If you need more flexibility, we recommend our new Group Membership option. Schools and organizations who opt for our Group memberships may send an unlimited number of administrators, teachers, assistants, and parents from their schools, to our workshops for no additional charge.  Check our Membership page for details. 

Why has my job posting not run yet?
There are many factors why your job posting hasn’t run. First, check to see if your membership is current. Only current BAMA members may send job postings to our job boards. If your membership is current, then check to make sure you sent it to the BAMA email at  Keep in mind that it may take up to two weeks for the job posting to appear in the newsletter and website. 

Please understand that BAMA is a volunteer-run organization. This means that it is managed by full-time educators, administrators, and parents who are also juggling a lot of other responsibilities. They are dedicated to BAMA’s cause and carve time out to make sure the organization runs as smoothly as possible.
Is your job posting ready to go out?
The number one error we discover in job postings is that people forget to provide a way to contact you. ALWAYS make sure your job posting includes an email address or some other way for potential candidates to contact you.

How long will my ad run for?
Your ad will be posted on the BAMA newsletter, The BAMA Grapevine, and will run through 4 weeks or more. It will also be posted on the BAMA website and will be run for 3 or more months. If the position has been filled, email us at to have the ad deleted from the newsletter and website.

Why am I not getting the email newsletter? 

First of all, check to make sure the emails aren't accidentally going into your spam folder. It may help to add to your email address book. If that is not the issue, try adding yourself to our database again-- you can do so by clicking here and filling in the short form. If you still are not getting the newsletters in your inbox, please contact us and we will help you out. 


Frequently Asked Questions
